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سيتم تحويلك الي الرابط - انظر العداد بالاسفل

What is marketing channels
Marketing channels are the different ways or platforms such as (social media, websites and emails) to market a product or a service 
and those ways could be printed in real life or digital on the internet

so just let's give examples for the different marketing channels on the board right now ;
Websites - Emails - Mobile apps - Amazon storefront - Blogs - Social media - Online videos - Mobile ads - Social media Ads - Adsense - QR codes - Chatbots - Radio ads - SMS marketing - SEO - Affiliate marketing

There are many marketing channels ( even those categories have many subcategories like social media , it has Facebook , Twitter , Youtube and other channels that could stand for itself)

What marketing channel should you use ?
too many market channels ? you shouldn't handle all of this , just focus on a few channels and master one or two. Those mentioned above are the most effective marketing channels for most of the companies.
so, let's have a brief talk about the most famous marketing channels
  • Building a website or blog : having a place where you can offer your services and products is one of the most important channels. Building a website and having visitors to this website will promote your service and make you money either from the visitors who will be customers or from the ads you show on the website.
  • SEO : how can you gain visitors ? surely from search engines as Google and Ping! Search engine optimization for your website will give you traffic and the traffic will make you money
  • Email marketing : we all know about this market channel as we all get those emails marketing for services  and products 
  • Social media marketing : having a page on Facebook and people liking it ! that's what marketing is. having people following you or seeing what you write or post. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and linkedIn.
  • Youtube : who can talk about marketing without talking about Youtube, the platform which we all use daily and following people on and maybe buying their services.

سيتم تحويلك الى الرابط بعد 12 ثوان

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what do multichannel marketing and Omnichannel marketing mean ?
  • Multichannel marketing : means that you use different channels to reach different customers
  • Omnichannel marketing : means that you have consistent customers on different marketing channels and it's like on Youtube channels and facebook pages

What are the 5 top marketing channels to use in 2020 ?

1- pay per click marketing (PPC) : by using this method, you make sure that your money are for the customers not wasting. Google Ads and Facebook Ads are the best in this field that you only will pay for the click on your advertisement. This market channel need a little money at the start to make your way ot gain money later.

2- Social media : the place of Omnichannel marketing, which you build a base of customers who likes what you offer and share with, This method depends on relationships not sales. 
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram etc offer a community building channels or pages which you can collect people who care about you and your services.
But these platforms differ from each other about how they show the content and what kind of people are there! Instagram for example is a place of photos, if you don't have photos . then well! Instagram isn't the right place to market on.

3- Email marketing : could be the most effective marketing way but badly because you have to collect Email addresses first which kinda limit you , but if you can collect Email addresses you will have the best customers ever.
to make the Email marketing as efficient as it should be you should make the Emails Personalized as much as possible as well as making it short Email and to the Target .

4- Building a website : having a blog or a website and publishing it to the search engines will get you a punch of visitors and customers as long as you are working hard and perfectly on this website.
the visitors should have a good impression about you and your service from the first time.
Use your Interface and analytics to customize what you and your visitors want to make it a good deal.

5- Word of mouth (Affiliate marketing) : Yes, why don't you encourage your customers to talk about you and get you other new customers by offering rewards or a little part of the money you will make.

Conclusion :
Marketing channels are everywhere , Focus on what you can use to market your services and to get money online.
Make a content anywhere either on social media, on an advertisement, on youtube or a blog and have this content seen by many people all over the world. That's the power of MARKET CHANNELS!

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